Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resisting the urge no more...

Okay, so I've been tossing the idea of writing a blog for a while. Mostly because it's a lot simpler than maintaining my own website (which I used to do). If I were to maintain a site again such as my original StormDoctor.Com site (which now points to my pictures at SmugMug), I'd probably do it as a wiki. I felt so cutting edge creating a website over a decade ago, and now I feel hopelessly older and slow to adopt (and become adept) at new technologies. Still, this will be a fun adventure I think. We'll see how it goes. But don't expect me to get into MySpace or instant messaging. I can still program a VCR and can now blog. I'm as tech savvy as I need to be for the moment :).

1 comment:

GunDiva said...

Welcome to the dark side, Persoff *evil grin*. I started blogging last year and it's addicting :) And it's a whole lot more fun that trying to figure out what to put in the Christmas letter - family just checks in once a week or so and viola! they're up-to-date.